String formating Powershell
Examples on how you can format string in Powershell
Examples on how you can format string in Powershell
12345678$text = '@ This is an example on how you can have multiple lines. You can also use indent. Perfect for things like SQL query etc '@
It handle the password in a secure way. Look at this as a template and do the necessary changes.
By doing this programmatically you can give multiple users or group(s) the right to add or remove users from an AD group. If you do this in ADUC you can only give the user you set as ‘Managed by’ the permissions.
There is no Get-GPLink cmdlet, but this script will help you.
A good script to verify your SCCM client
Just a quick example on how you can create an auto picker to create two teams from a list.
In this example you get a status report on the computer.
How to use where-object match one of multiple values from an array. You do not have to use an array. You can just type all the values in a string separated with | between each word(s). Note : Do not have any spaces before or after the pipe character, it is an exact match.